Thursday, 12 December 2013

aaBridge Watson Edition - Released

The aaBridge Watson Edition, just as the name says is a combination of the free bridge playing app and Watson's - "The Play of the Hand at Bridge".

aaBridge website

This new version is also a full lin file player. This means that it will play all the Bridge Movies (lin files) that can be found on the web. 

The very best source for these is the fantastic Hondo Bridge website, which is also the source for the Watson Book lin files embedded in the program.

For those who are interested and want to write their own lin files it also contains many 'how to' tutorials. These include how to package the whole thing into a single 'self playing' file that you can email to others, all without any programming.


  1. Sounds great, but I get unsupported version errors on my Mac. Java is uptodate. Maybe too up to date?

    1. Hi Bob
      I have just now changed aaBridge so it only requires Java 6. This will fix your issue. FYI - the cause is that Java 6 is standard on your MAC. And Java 7 (as you have found) can be hard to install correctly.
